Business Address
Phone Number
(212) 714-0700
(212) 714-0703
Business Hours
Monday - Friday
NYC Language Preference
New York City regulations require us to record the language preference of New York City consumers. You also can call (212) 714-0700, fax (212) 714-0703, email, or write us at The Schutzer Group, PLLC, 330 Seventh Ave., 19th Floor,
New York, NY 10001 to provide us with your preferred language.
Please note that The Schutzer Group, PLLC does not provide translation of any communication created or made in English into another language. In some instances, we do provide agents who can speak in Spanish and in some instances makes limited written communications in Spanish.
A translation and description of commonly-used debt collection terms is available in multiple languages on the Department’s website,